Rosenbusch The Quest in Review - Mario Lenke's impressions

Mario Lenke, one of the most renowned voices in the German watch scene, has taken a closer look at the Rosenbusch Quest in his latest YouTube review. He is particularly impressed by the distinctive design, which stands out with its unique case shape and clean lines. For him, the Quest stands out from the crowd with its characterful appearance.
The build quality has also won him over. He highlights the precision and attention to detail, which are anything but a given in this price range. He especially praises the strong price-performance ratio, making the Quest an exciting choice for watch enthusiasts.
His conclusion: The Rosenbusch Quest combines extraordinary design with high-quality craftsmanship – and all at a price that’s hard to beat.
Check out the review!
Curious? Watch the full video on YouTube to find out what Mario Lenke finds so captivating about the Rosenbusch Quest. Click here to watch the video.